It is hard to physically oversee arrangements and schedules when you are working with a huge field service group. Field service management software serves organizations that send workers or a service technician into the field by assisting them to automate dispatching, scheduling, customer information, and billing. Field service management software (FSM) is a cloud-based system that helps in monitoring, scheduling and tracking operations and asset management in a company. The software is necessary for service based businesses that require opportuneness and accuracy in its execution. Here are standard features of FSM

• Invoicing
• Job costing
• Scheduling
• Accounting (with QuickBooks)
• Inventory management
• Hours billable tracking
• Service histories
Employee time management
• Equipment management
Additionally, FSM has other common but advanced features. They include:
• Warranty management
• GPS optimization
• Customer portal
• Subcontractor management
• Customer equipment tracking
• Contract management

Advantages of FSM

Stock visibility
Almost every company is faced with the challenge of developing a healthy cash-flow. Field service companies face a huge challenge because the costs are magnified and tied up in inventory. A modern FSM can offer visibility across the mobile workers, which is impossible with the manual system. The software plays a vital role in establishing fast moving and slow moving items in a company and extending a lean approach to inventory management. There are plenty of resources available at the Miracle Service website for more information.

Job scheduling
FSM carries out field service scheduling in two ways. One of the ways is by using the call allocation model. Here, the software allows the manager to decide which engineer contracts a task based on their guestimates. The model relies on skilled operators. The other way is using the dynamic or intelligent scheduling. It constantly rearranges a schedule automatically by data and prescribed rules. The model relies on having lots of incoming data.

Resource optimization
The FSM software optimizes the routing and assignment of field personnel. It directly affects the profitability of an organization. Dispatch optimization enables crews to do as much work as possible in a day. That way, it minimizes drive time, reduces fuel charges and emissions, and increases profitability. For instance, a heating and cooling company can use FSM software to create more routes and still maintain service level compliance.

Easy remote and real-time monitoring
The use of FSM software enables organizations to monitor and manage jobs of agents in the field easily. The traditional way of monitoring required managers to wait until agents come back from the field to give reports. However, with FSM software, supervisors can check in with the agents in real-time rather than do it face-to-face. Thus, using FSM software leads to better task management and quick back-office response especially if there is an emergency.

The overall benefits of using FSM software are overwhelming for any company regardless of its size. The software solves multiple issues for a company including preventative maintenance, all at once. Additionally, every business needs to choose the appropriate software based on its needs.

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